Muskegon Northside Lions
Candy Days
A fundraising project of the Muskegon Northside Lions Charities, Inc.
Two days a year (usually the second weekend in September) local Lions clubs solicit funds from the public to support local community service projects by exchanging candy rolls (Lions Mints) for donations. Look for the Lions Club in your community to be out and about with their candy in September and help the Lions in supporting your community.
2024 Candy Days
You can find us at the intersection of Witham and Dykstra in Laketon Township and at Hardings Market at Ruddiman and Whitehall Rd.
September 6th - 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
September 7th - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Candy Rolls sold by the Lions of Michigan Foundation are given in exchange for a donation.
All funds raised are for the funding of community service projects and do not benefit the Muskegon Northside Lions Club or its members.